Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP THE BLEED® training.


How much does a STOP THE BLEED course cost?

Typically, there is no charge for most STOP THE BLEED® courses. However, sometimes expenses are incurred to hold one.

Where can I find a STOP THE BLEED course?

The STOP THE BLEED® website contains upcoming courses. Use our Find a Course tool to search for one that’s near you. Courses are updated on a regular basis, so you can check back again if you don’t find a course that matches your schedule or is close by. If you don’t find a course in your town or city, try searching by zip code or state.

How do I set up a course for my school or community group?

It’s easy to set up a STOP THE BLEED® course for your local group. Contact us by submitting request on our Community outreach page or simply email us @ public.relations@bc2fd.org .

The only thing more tragic than a death…  is a death that could have been prevented.

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